Our firm offers top quality product liability lawyers for a variety of scenarios. This type of law refers to any defects which may cause harm to a consumer or user of a product. If you have been injured by using a product and need fair compensation, we can help you. Whether or not there is a precedent for your situation, the Uniform Commercial Code, Article 2, provides information regarding the sale of items along with product liability sections. Most states follow this or a similar piece of legislation in order to protect the consumer.
Product Liability Law
Claims may be based on negligence, strict liability, or defects arising from the manufacture or use of a product. These details will vary depending upon the jurisdiction of the claim and the state. Product liability law does not apply at the federal level. States may voluntarily follow the guidelines for Model Uniform Products Liability Act or MUPLA, which has been created by the US Department of Commerce. In order to make a successful claim, we will need to prove that the product is defective. This is done in a variety of ways, which we can discuss with you at your appointment.
Product Liability Areas of Claim
- False Advertising
- Failure To Warn Consumers Of Dangers
- Improper Instructions
- Product defects can include design defects, marketing defects, or manufacturing defects